Hard Ops / Boxcutter Ultimate Bundle

by TeamC in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 124 ratings by the community.

  • Stefan Björnson
    over 3 years ago

    Really love these tools, Then as a good bonus, the developer has lots of great videos on Youtube. Definitely a given purchase for all Blender users!

  • Tal Swicegood
    over 3 years ago

    Fantastic toolset

  • robert
    over 3 years ago

    This Add-on has saved me much in time and frustration ....

  • Nicolás
    over 3 years ago

    When I have to do a clean install of Blender this is the first addons I install, I don't want to use Blender without it.

  • Zerescas
    over 3 years ago

    Good deal for reduce time consumption and pain in modelling hard-surface.

  • peter Reed
    over 3 years ago

    Had this add-on for a long time and have loved it. But this latest addition to add a lasso tool is amazing, especially with a tablet. Its sick. 5*

  • Brendan C. Campbell
    over 3 years ago

    Been using these Add-Ons for just over a week now and it's not performing as advertised, to the point where I feel like I haven't been using Blender for the last 12 years. I would have easily given this 5 stars had the tutorial videos and learning documentation been focused more on actually teaching users to use the Add-Ons directly, instead of showing off what the add-on can do to make more sales. After discovering these Add-Ons I was convinced (after seeing the the introductory videos here) that I would be able to easily use the controls and modifiers the way I have in Blender for years, it looked more intuitive and just made things easier.

    Not only did the Add-On behave in an adverse way when I made adjustments, it just flat out became impossible to use because I was doing everything I should and it just ended up trashing my meshes inexplicably. EG: Your tutorials on Youtube show someone using CSharp to bevel edges and add modifiers - I do the same to a mesh with relevant subdivision and my mesh literally starts turning itself inside out with no margin for any improvement whatsoever. 5 hours later I find my first solution to the problem and I try it out, but it doesn't work again. So back to watching hours of tutorials or trying to go through the documentation. Eventually I have to just ignore the Add-On and use vanilla Blender so I can make my deadline. I thought it may be my own meshes, but I had the same results with the native Blender meshes. One problem I'm having with Boxcutter is that it suddenly slows my machine to a near-crash at random. The machine I'm using does real-time in Unreal Engine and very quick Cycles renders with ease, so I know my specs can handle Boxcutter. I can't find a fix for this anywhere.

    When I went to the official documentation Youtube playlist (from the Q menu), I was cheerfully greeted with an 8 HOUR VIDEO that should have been divided into smaller videos instead of having chapter times in the description - IT'S SO OVERWHELMING. I look at how much time I have to get things done and I look at the running time and I just have to quit the whole exercise then and there and get on with my work. Even the chapter titles left me confused because I felt like I couldn't just jump into a chapter without watching what came up before it. Learning Blender 1.0 in it's entirety wasn't even this complicated.

    The videos I've found online are equally frustrating to get through, not only because they don't take the care to explain the process of the product, but because they're (again) more interested in proving that this Add-On is better than just using Blender and all I want to do is just skip to the most important information so I can get on with my work instead of listening to how great these authors all think HardOps is. It's still faster for me to model in Blender Vanilla right now with greater detail and fewer mesh errors - I feel like I wasted my money on this and it's going to be MONTHS before I can actually use it fluently because that's how long it's going to take me to get through all of the tutorials and documentation while cutting out all the fluff.

    • Team Csharp

      over 3 years ago

      Thanks for your insights. It's truly a struggle to please everyone but there is also a playlist broken up for easier understanding.

      When it comes to dealing with sharps and sub-d this video is recommended and may be assistive.
      This video explains our approach to crease.

      Watching an 8 hour video is obviously not intended. It's probably only for the most insane of people.The goal was avoiding uploading 93 minis to my main channel. HOPScutter is a community effort with a community aimed to supercharge your learning experience. By utilizing the support channels you could have received answers in a fraction of the time of this review.

      If you have particular content you have videos on by all means please leave comments and they will be addressed orderly. I aim to provide top class support so squeaky wheels and all that. Anyways I am glad to hear of your experience. We will do more to try and facilitate it in the future. But for now I can only hope the above links should get you on the path of resolution.

      Hope to see you around!

  • Chris
    over 3 years ago

    Amazing addons.

    Originally I was mainly interested in boxcutter but read everywhere that you should get both because they work so well together.
    Having used both of them for two weeks now I can say that I am very satisfied.

    They both greatly improve my workflow. And are a joy to work with.
    Great documentation & support form the developer.
    I had a minor issue with boxcutter, and the dev responded very quickly.

    So, full recommendations from me!

  • Wieleb
    over 3 years ago

    It really speeds up the work on hard-surface models.

  • Rafael Kudla
    over 3 years ago

    This is awesome. I as a part time Blender fan could learn it from scratch within one week. Because of the good tutorials and the help of masterxeon who shows up in the comments from time to time;). Powerfull and with a good team in the background. For 38$ it is a steal compared to how much time you will save in the daily routine. You need to know the basics of modelling and booleans in blender.

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Sales 38700+
Customer Ratings 124
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 6 years ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5
License GPL
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