Xparticle Suit

by VFX9 in Modifier Setups

Quickly alternate between trails

When using a large number of trails, if there is an alternation in the relationship between objects, you can appropriately adjust the curve position of the trails (curveMultiTrails) or adjust the trajectory of the trails themselves (multiTrails). The length of trails can also be appropriately reduced. This problem only occurs occasionally when using the eevee renderer. I think it may be because if part of a trail is close to the screen on the curve, and another part is far away from the screen on the curve, it will be difficult for eevee to judge the relationship between multiple curves. You can also use the CyclesX renderer to avoid this possibility entirely.

Rendered particles are messed up

Rendering a small number of particles can get the correct rendering effect even without Bake. If rendering particles on a large scale, be sure to select and Bake to ensure correct rendering.

Particle glow rendering

Just open Bloom in eevee.

In cyclesX, you need to add a Glare node to Composition.

Export abc file

Device configuration

Please use a PC configuration that is officially approved by Blender. It is recommended to use mainstream computer configurations within five years, and try to use more than 32GB of memory and more than 6G of video memory. It is recommended to use Nvidia RTX series graphics cards.

Version issue

Please make sure you are using blender 4.0 or higher.

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Sales 10+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 3 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0
License GPL
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