Render Manager Addon Renderset

by polygoniq in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 22 ratings by the community.

  • Nikolaj Andersen
    almost 2 years ago

    It has a lot of potential but fails because of a few shortcomings. My biggest issue is file output. I want to be able to have a custom directory saved in each blendfile. The preference variable approach is way to limited. A custom directory path option in renderset tab would be better.
    Every render is named "composite" and not named by the renderlayer. Doesn't make sense.
    Also want to be able to dump ALL renders into one folder for easy access(with correct naming).
    Hope it gets worked on because it has good potential.

    • polygoniq

      almost 2 years ago

      Hi Nikolaj, thanks for the feedback! Please check out the latest release, renderset 1.7, where we incorporated some of it. You can now change the name of Composite files and we added output folder override per context. We have an output overhaul planned for renderset 2.0. Stay tuned!

  • Yifu
    almost 2 years ago

    I used to run into a lot of problems with this addon but since then they have addressed the majority of my feedback. I am now confident to use it in almost all of my projects and it does indeed save me a lot of headaches, especially for managing architectural still renders. On top of managing different cameras and scenes for you, its file management has also been vastly improved and I can achieve the following with this addon:- Manage visibility settings for each render context- Click one button to render all selected render contexts (no more binding camera markers to frames, this opens up a lot more possibilities for animations)- Automatically place the rendered outputs to "{blend_parent_folder}\{blend_filename}_renderset\{context_name}\{date_time}" (a few limitations still apply here as you won't be able to easily rename your composite outputs with parameters such as "{context_name}_", only set strings such as "Composite_")- Automatically copy ONLY the latest "Composite" output to "{{blend_parent_folder}\{blend_filename}_renderset\{context_name}\{context_name}_" for easy access (this way if you use InDesign your files will always be the latest whilst keeping a record of past renders).All in all, I believe this addon is in good hands and they'll continue to improve it in the future. Don't forget to join their discord if you run into any trouble and they have an experienced team to help you out.

    • polygoniq

      almost 2 years ago

      Hi Yifu, sorry we were not responsive on Discord at that time, I think we do a decent job at that but sometimes there may be delays. Please check out the documentation at Since 1.7.0 you can change the compositor setup and renderset won't reconnect it, you can now also change file type per slot and renderset will honor the settings. Not sure about the crashes, would need tracebacks and more info but generally speaking, renderset sets up blender and then runs blender operators. There is not much that could cause hard crashes (entire blender crashing and closing). Thanks for the feedback!

  • Jan
    over 2 years ago

    Feels very limited. E.g. it is not possible to add all scenes to the queue automatically.

    • polygoniq

      almost 2 years ago

      Thank you for the review, this is actually possible with headless rendering, more information is available in the documentation. We will make sure that this option is more visible.

  • Andy Tsang
    about 3 years ago

    I was nervous about this based on previous reviews that were not 5 stars but I have to say after using this for a few days this is EXACTLY what I was looking for and it is a great add on. I don't know why people have trouble finding their files or pointing where they get saved, it's very straight forward you just set a directory in the pref and all your renders show up there. Maybe there are specific use cases that this add on doesn't apply to but for me personally it is great!

    • polygoniq

      about 3 years ago

      Hey Andy! Thank you for your 5-star review, we hope that renderset saves you a lot of time in the future! :) Keep in touch with us via Discord or social media to get notified about new free releases

  • Sam
    about 3 years ago

    Honestly, it's got potential, but completely and totally fails to deliver on it. And there's no documentation, so god help you trying to figure out anything useful.

    For example, there are these little {blend_file}, {blend_file_directory} type tags used in the master config. There's no list anywhere for what tags are available. Nothing but what's pre-filled in the UI. The Blendermarket documentation is to just install the addon. Thanks, I really thought the install was the hard part.

    As to control of your file output, that's a good joke. The plugin overwrites the output directory every time. I can't find a way to just tell this stupid thing what I want my file to be. You can name your output anything you want, as long as that name is Composite. You can sort-of control where it goes, but it's always going to be a mess.

    Want to output a still of frame 1500 and another at 1700? God help you. As near as I can tell, the addon will only use your current timeline position unless you specify animation. If you specify animation, you're back to less than square 1, where the frame number is appended to the file name.

    I've spent more time trying to set this up than it would take to render out what I what to render out by hand.

    MAYBE this tool is an exact fit for Polygoniq's workflow, but if you are anything but that? It's just not going to work or you're gonna have to change. For a batch-renderer output naming is everything, and this just crushes whatever you try to name your stuff to. Literally, I poked at the code. The name "COMPOSITE" is hard coded. Wouldn't it be great if we could use the name of the context or the camera? Something a little procedural?

    The bulk of the UI is good, it renders faster than Render+, it is do damn close.

    1 star rating for the lack of documentation, which had there been documentation, could have saved me 2 hours of trying to make this do what it's not coded to do.

    • polygoniq

      almost 2 years ago

      Hi Sam, thanks for the feedback! Documentation has always been available via a google doc but since we received feedback that it's not up to par we did an overhaul and now we host a more comprehensive documentation at
      It lists the variables, those are also listed in the Preferences UI although it is a small button so you may have missed it. Generally, renderset is designed to output into folders, not files.

      You can render frame 1500 and 1700 by having 2 contexts with different frame_current even if render type is still image. I tested this and it works for me. Please do check out renderset 1.7.0 which implements some of the ideas you mention here. You can now change the Composite name, although you cannot use variables there yet.

      We have a more involved output naming overhaul planned for renderset 2.0 but have to be careful with it because it will break existing files and we have a lot of those. So do our users.

      Hope this helps!

  • Matteo
    over 3 years ago

    Awesome time saver!

  • Somayeh Ashtari
    over 3 years ago

    Great addon! highly recommend

  • Mitch Hughes
    over 3 years ago

    Works great, just installed and started using, very straightforward to use, such a time saver well worth the price.

  • Ian Dainton
    over 3 years ago

    Really good potential but the saving conventions they use are really un-flexible The interface for setting up renders is great and setting different resolutions, worlds, etc is super easy. But the way the plugin saves the renders makes it not worth using... :(

  • jChristophe Levet
    over 3 years ago

    Very useful !

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Sales 1400+
Customer Ratings 22
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
License Royalty Free
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