Blender Addon | 3D Hair Brush - Support New Hair System | Vfx Grace

by VFX Grace in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 24 ratings by the community.

  • Shane Simmons
    almost 2 years ago

    This addon adds a huge level of functionality to Blender's particle hair system, and makes working with hair much less of a chore, and it's a lot easier to get realistic results with it. It's also extremely flexible and versatile. While not an inexpensive addon, it's very worthwhile, as it can eliminate headaches and frustration over creating particle hair in Blender, which I've always found tedious and tiresome. It does takes some getting used to, of course, as with any complex addon, though.

    VFX Grace - I have a suggestion, though. How feasible would it be to create a control panel of some kind for 3D Hair Brush (or all the hair tools, even), as to separate the controls from the particle menu? It might be helpful, as the particle menu can get quite long to scroll through, for all the different settings, especially if you're using Hair Clump with 3D Brush.
    A separate properties tab for it might work, if that can be done, so you could have the settings for this addon open in one panel, and the main Particle Properties tab in another.

  • Noa
    about 2 years ago

    Very few add-ons compare to the transformative nature of this one, and none do when it comes to hair. Completely overhauls the hair system while being just as (if not more-so) user friendly as vanilla Blender. I genuinely can't imagine using Blender without this add-on anymore.

    As of writing this review (1 month after purchase), the only mild criticism I have is that the documentation could be a bit clearer. The meaning can be slightly hard to follow, and could use some proofreading and more indepth explanation of various parameters - but compared to most BlenderMarket add-ons it's fairly well documented and almost everything can be quickly understood with hands on trial and error.

    While it's expensive, it is well worth the price. I recommend it to everyone who works with hair in Blender - there's bound to be at LEAST one feature that revolutionizes how you work.

  • Jamdalu
    about 2 years ago

    The developer was very helpful in solving a configuration issue that prevented me from installing the tool on a MacBook Pro M1 max. It did take several iterations before all issues were solved, proving the willingness of this developer to support their product. Everything is now working great. This add on enhances Blender's existing toolset (exposing new parameters) and adds several new brushes to provide a comprehensive hair creation workflow. I would like to see all of the tools offered by VFX Grace with Mac support. Well worth the purchase!

  • william oyler
    about 2 years ago

    i've always had trouble making realistic hair, but the tools in this addon make it almost effortless. thanx so much!

    • VFX Grace

      about 2 years ago

      Thank you for your kind words.

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Sales 1100+
Downloads 1600+
Customer Ratings 24
Average Rating
Published about 2 years ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92
License GPL
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