Alt Tab Lighting

by Alt Tab in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.

  • Maarten
    about 1 year ago

    Nice addon, great value and inspiring! Nice to quickly setup lights wether for the final result or just to have a quick light setup for preview or inspiration purposes.

    The only thing I miss now is a way to 1) remove all lights at once and 2) remove a single light by clicking on a button next to the light in the list. With huge scenes it's not always nice to need to search for these lights within the outliner or to switch to another light add-on in the N-panel just to remove a light. It would be more convenient to do that from within the same add-on.

    But that's just a minor thing. Definitely going to use these setups a lot!

  • Mailyn Fernandez
    about 1 year ago

    I love this! I've been messing around with blender for a few months and still can't get the best lighting but this is amazing!

  • Andy Redwood
    about 1 year ago

    Fantastic! It (mostly) does exactly what you want, i.e. one click setups to give your scene pretty lighting. There's a decent variety of setups and the addon is well thought out. Also, well worth the money.

    Some suggestions / requests for a future version:
    - a general 'increase / decrease power' control in the panel - if a scene is too dark, it's good to be able to increase all the lights at once rather than one at a time
    - rotate control in the N panel - this would just make it a bit easier to adjust everything in one place, rather than selecting the Controller box
    - browse setups with your scene without deleting the setup every time. Right now, if you have a lighting setup and want to try another, you need to 'Delete hierarchy' of the existing setup then add a new one; it would be great to just have 'Next / Previous' buttons to switch between setups
    - favourites? Be good to have the option to star the ones you really like
    - more descriptive names - there are currently 15 setups with names, and then 33 'Setups'
    - a few 'standard' setups - it would be great to have one click 3-point lighting, rear lighting etc., some of the classics

    [Apologies if it already has some of these and I haven't noticed...]

    As I say, really great add-on that deserves to go far - you can tell the creators put love into their products, which is always worth supporting.

    Thanks for creating!

    • Alt Tab

      about 1 year ago

      Thank you for the thoughtful review and suggestions! We're thrilled to hear that you find our Blender addon valuable and that you appreciate the effort we put into creating it. Your suggestions are well taken and will be considered for future updates. We're always striving to improve and make the addon even better. Thanks again for your support and for choosing our product

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Sales 500+
Customer Ratings 3
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL
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