Voxel Heat Diffuse Skinning

by Mesh Online in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 62 ratings by the community.

  • Trunks
    3 months ago

    right now when i used this addon my character clipped through my clothing alot when i moved him in various poses albeit he was in a a pose but the legs also did not sure if the devolper will get back to me i did email them so we shall see this review is subject to change hopefully the developer shoots me a email back not saying its a bad addon clearly it works for alot of people

    • Mesh Online

      3 months ago

      Hello Trunks, Please click the 'Ask a Question' button from this page, maybe I have missed your e-mail.

  • marco Esquivel
    3 months ago

    I've been trying to make use of this addon for two years now and for whatever reason it just has not worked for me ever since I switched from my laptop to my desktop the addon has basically refused to work. Every new update I try upgrading to the latest version but I keep running into the same error and no matter what I do, be it restarting Blender, running Blender as an administrator, or even uninstalling Blender and then reinstalling it nothing works. This latest attempt at upgrading didn't show the error but doesn't even bother skinning my model. It's obvious that a lot more people are having a much better time using this addon but this constant strain of trial and error kinda broke me.

    • Mesh Online

      3 months ago

      Hi Marco, Please contact me, describe the issue in more details.

  • Jacob Cooley
    5 months ago

    Excellent tool. This is going to save a LOT of time!

  • Jakub Hazmuka
    5 months ago

    Super useful...The best addon for weight paint...must have!

  • Jelly
    6 months ago

    Great Addon, saves a lot of time from manually weight painting.

    Here's some tips:
    1. This Addon works best when the character is in a complete T-Pose. When it's in A-Pose, or when the armpit is closed, the weight in the armpit and lower arm will stick together. This also applies to Legs. Spread them a little for the Voxels to work. You can also increase the resolution to reduce the weight errors.
    2. Thick Solidified clothes doesn't work too well if it overlaps too much inside the body mesh underneath. I suggest having a Non-manifold clothing, or at least keep the Solidify modifier Unapplied. If you need to have water-tight clothing, just make sure Fully close all holes
    3. Joining all the Meshes together seems to work better than if the Mesh are separate. Doesn't have to be Remeshed together, just Join mulltiple objects into one object. This would fix a lot of issues with vertices flying around when posing

  • Henrik Cederblad
    7 months ago

    Skinning is never 100% predictable, but this thing takes us closer by providing better algorithms and more choices/control. I think it should be considered a must-have if you're serious about skinning/rigging/animation. You could say it's comparable to what Quad Remesher is for retopo, or UV Packmaster is for packing UV islands – you simply end up with more accurate results more quickly.

  • Andrew Neale
    9 months ago

    The only negative comment I have is that I wish I'd found this sooner because, damn, this just removes so much pain with manual weight painting! Had a new character model I'd been working on that automatic weights made a complete mess of. 60 seconds of work with this add-on and it's just sorted. Magic!

  • Ace
    9 months ago

    I can't say I used it much, but it definitely will help when automatic weight paint fails. Also I if I ever did have a bunch objects and fabric to weight paint to an armature, this addon will be a lifesaver.

  • Vincent Prom
    10 months ago

    Fantastic. Saved me hours of weight painting. Suitable for both high and low poly, with any number of unconnected meshes.

  • David Salamanca Camelo
    11 months ago

    I need help with the add-on, but the developer doesn't seem willing to answer any of my questions. I understand that I am a beginner, but not responding to messages is rude.

    • Mesh Online

      11 months ago

      Sorry for the delayed reply, for I can't touch my computer last week for personal reason, I am back now.

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Sales 8100+
Customer Ratings 62
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 6 years ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License GPL
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