Poly Haven Asset Browser

by Poly Haven in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 42 ratings by the community.

  • Eggsy Qawiem
    8 days ago

    Unbeatable HDRI library and intuitively designed UX to make archviz and previs work absolutely frictionless. Truly must have

  • David Cleveland
    about 2 months ago

    I really like this. Two things though. 1. I wish it had more metals, plastics, and rubbers. 2. I also wish we could copy existing textures and change them. (Also add new ones from other sources)

    • Poly Haven

      about 2 months ago

      Thanks David! The reason we don't do plastics is because we think they are better done procedurally and many other libraries do those kinds of materials well. We prefer to use our very limited resources to focus on photoscanned materials which are more difficult to create (procedurally or otherwise). Metals however are definitely on our radar :)

  • Joel Mckay
    about 2 months ago

    Great Asset inventory, but could use more furniture and household items. Certainly still worth the donation A+

  • Loky
    2 months ago

    Great addon, I stopped using my HDRI libraries and only use this one. Perhaps it would be nice to have a bit more HDRI customization options like in Gaffer.
    I haven't updated in a while and was pleasantly surprised to find about 350 new models! The new terrain materials and nature props look awesome! Thanks for continuing to add content!

  • texier
    4 months ago

    First of all, huge thanks for what you do for the community, it really helps a lot.

    Now for the Add-on, I'm a bit disappointed, I thought that I would've had more freedom and control over the HDRI's and the textures.

    - ex. for HDRI's if I want to turn it on the other axes I have to go into the nodegroup
    - ex. for texture, I have to download AO, ARM, JPG or PNG on the website and connect it manualy

    So for me it's more simple to do it the old way (download from the web site and do the shading mannualy).

    Overhall this is a good add-on, the library is well organize, the drag and drop is great, changing the resolution of the texture and the fix scale are awesome, but it's not what I was looking for.

    I would have preferred to give you the 30 USD on the patreon.

  • Nanni Marras
    5 months ago

    A must have!!

  • AliTkhan
    6 months ago

    i wish there were more 3d models to pick from, but i'm having a problem! i have revalidated the assests because it was crashing my blender 3.5 whenever i render animation but revalidation is stuck at 99% on this model: coast_land_rocks_03!

    please help me out

    • Poly Haven

      6 months ago

      Hey there! Please check out our troubleshooting guide, and report an issue through the link on that page if you're still struggling: https://docs.polyhaven.com/en/guides/blender-addon#troubleshooting

      We are constantly adding new models :) They are generally the most work per asset, but we've been focusing on them for a while and have published over 100 new models this year alone!

  • Elias
    6 months ago

    Wish to see more from these guys, making the Poly Haven sub-folders the same as the asset browser panel would be very useful

  • CG Obaid
    7 months ago

    One of the Best Addons Ever👏!
    Firstly, thank you soo much to everyone on the Polyhaven team for making these amazing assets freely available to anyone!

    This addon allows you to import all of the assets from the Polyhaven website into Blender, through the asset browser. It will save you a lot of time & you also get early access to all of the upcoming assets weeks and sometimes months before the release, which is totally crazy😃!

    At just $30 it's a steal, if the assets were paid then just a few of them, if not a single asset, could be selling at $30. If you have the money to buy an addon, be it this one.
    It goes to support the highly dedicated and hardworking people making it possible to make these assets freely available to anybody.

  • Andrew
    7 months ago

    Cumbersome. I'm pretty much still just using PolyHaven's site. Import from url hasn't worked at all whatsoever. Why is the search results in the plugin.....1 result and then next page? Is the search results list actually only ever 1 result? I have to activate the plugin everytime Blender starts. And I feel like I'm wrong, but I can't figure it out otherwise: it seems you can only search for models on this? Which leaves out a lot of polyhaven....

    • Poly Haven

      7 months ago

      Hey Andrew, feel free to DM us to resolve any issues. I'm not sure I understand your feedback here, and feel maybe it's meant for a different add-on? We don't have a "import from URL" feature, nor page-based search results. All our assets (not just our models) are included in the asset browser, so I'm not sure what's happening here.

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Sales 11100+
Customer Ratings 42
Average Rating
Published almost 2 years ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2
License GPL
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