
by K-Cycles in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 91 ratings by the community.

  • dan
    17 days ago

    This tool is invaluable, it is incredibly easy to set up and use. You can create a project in vanilla Blender and then open it in K-Cycles and all of your addons and startup settings will automatically carry over. As mentioned by others, it is an annual subscription if you want to keep up to date with the latest versions of blender while using it, but it is so worth it. K-Cycles turned a 6 minute per frame 1 week render into a 30 second per frame 7 hour render. It didn't just speed up my render, but the sample and denoising quality also went up drastically relative to vanilla cycles denoising. I am in awe. I had a render issue and i thought it was kcycles, but it was actually a shader user error on my part and the dev promptly ran through my project and found the issue very quickly. I will be returning to buy the next version in 2025 I strongly recommend this tool.

    28 days ago

    This add-on will be of great benefit.
    I hope they continue to upgrade it in the future.
    There was one odd spot where the volume and fog stopped working properly.
    It was rendering at first, but one day it turned out differently.
    It's our fault, and I don't know why, but other than that, I wouldn't touch Blender without it.

  • Claudio Saldaña
    3 months ago

    "users can use upgrade code "upgrade2024" (Extra 25% off) discount", I know that at this moment it already has a discount, but does this not apply to previous purchases? I have the 2023 version and that extra discount was not applied as the publication says.

    • Eric Klein

      3 months ago

      It is not a K-Cycles issue Blender Market disables coupon codes for all products during their sales events.

      K-Cycles has it's own sales a few time a year usually with new blender releases in which upgrade coupon will give the customers additional discount. Emails will be send to all customers to take advantage of this special sales.

  • AdamRatai
    4 months ago

    I had k-cycles installed without any plugins just for rendering, and always use it when it is a render time. This (and postprocess) alone is worth money spend.

  • Navid Razavi
    4 months ago

    It is needless to say that you can also achieve greatest results from vanilla Blender, but K-Cycles really accelerated my rendering pipeline on my old Laptop that luckily still has an NVidia GPU. I can easily switch on the Cycles previews in the viewport to get a quick overview of the art direction of my works, and the icing on the cake is all the great Post-FX, light mixing etc.

    All of this could be achieved by purchasing several addons and optimizing your scenes individually, and I know that it is a "bummer" for many people that this is some kind of annual update purchase addon, but it is obvious that the updates are not necessary for your older or recent projects as long as you don't need the newest functions of the recent Blender versions.

    All in all a great addon!

  • Peter13
    6 months ago

    I haven't done an in-depth performance comparison with the regular Blender version, but I primarily use it for its excellent and user-friendly PostFX, especially for animations. The ultra denoiser also works quite well. It's a great addon, thank you.

  • Jesper
    6 months ago

    Great alternative version of blender to speed up renderings. Some cool post fx tools as well.
    Super helpful creator, who is always active on the Discord if anyone encounters problems.

  • Oliver Beck
    7 months ago

    Great, very happy with this as an alternative to default Cycles.

  • [email protected]
    8 months ago

    Great purchase! The seller helped me out when I messaged him about some trouble I have having with installing it on my Mac. The trouble installing it was on my mind and he gladly walked me through it in a very timely manner! This Blender build is really worth the price. The people complaining about having to buy the yearly update need to realize the work and time that goes into making this custom build. You also get a FREE YEAR of updates with your purchase. This year alone we had Blender 3.5, 3.6 and Blender 4.0 is possibly coming out in November..... If you think about it , it's actually pretty cheap for the faster renders, constant updates and the Post FX options that you are getting.

  • Baucan
    9 months ago

    I regret to buy this... when I bought it 2 years ago they never said I only can use it for 1 year and after I will not be able to have more updates... Very bad attitude :-(

    • Eric Klein

      9 months ago

      Free updates and new features are to the end of the year. It is clearly states on the right where the product is selected for purchase. It's also mention in the FAQ section. It is has never being hidden and questions about it answer truthfully.

      K-Cycles is not an add-on is a custom blender build and I believe the only one in Blender Market. Add-ons requires very little or no work to update, since blender python API has small or no changes between blender version updates. Even then many less popular add-ons in Blender Market with lifetime updates stop being updated and don't work anymore due to low new sales and the developer can't work for free.

      K-Cycles custom builds add features not possible with add-ons. The update requires a lot of work their are about 1000's source code changes each new blender version that need to be integrated into K-Cycles. Builds for each platform Windows, Linux and Mac plus the cost of separate hardware. In addition the work of adding new features and support. Just look at my youtube channels and check all the features I added this year.

      I try to make it as affordable as possible for upgrading to the yearly new version of K-Cycles with coupon upgrade and additional extra discounts thought the year.

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Sales 6600+
Customer Ratings 91
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 3 years ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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