Tree And Grass Library Botaniq - Trees

by polygoniq in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 136 ratings by the community.

  • Christer Andersén
    4 months ago


  • Baucan
    5 months ago

    Amazing Addon with great library... But don't buy this if like me your workflow is with many computers, when you will take your Blend file and put inside an other computer all the textures will become black and then if you are trying to add more trees all the textures will also be black and it's will be impossible to add animation to the trees. Even you try to press 'Find missing Files' it's will not work. I send them a message to ask about it but they did not answer me...

  • tenzin
    6 months ago

    The Botaniq Trees add-on for Blender has received highly positive reviews for its comprehensive library of nature assets and user-friendly interface. This add-on offers a diverse range of plant categories including conifers, deciduous trees, grass, flowers, shrubs, and more, making it a versatile tool for creating natural scenes in Blender.

    Users appreciate the high-quality thumbnails for each asset and the ease of editing, allowing for quick integration into various scenes. The assets can be loaded with a simple click and are available as collection instances. This feature, along with the ability to scatter assets across a scene, significantly enhances workflow efficiency.

    Botaniq is particularly well-suited for those who may not have the expertise or desire to create vegetation assets from scratch. It offers a straightforward solution for adding high-quality, performance-optimized natural elements to scenes, appealing to both novice and experienced Blender users.

    The quality of the assets is noted to be excellent, with a strong emphasis on performance. The Botaniq add-on is praised for striking a perfect balance between quality and performance, ensuring that the assets are not only visually appealing but also efficient to work with. Unlike some other nature asset libraries that may prioritize aesthetics at the cost of performance, Botaniq maintains a balance, making it a preferred choice for many users.

    Overall, the Botaniq add-on is highly recommended for its ability to enhance Blender projects with quality natural elements, its user-friendly design, and its performance efficiency. It has quickly become a go-to library for nature-related assets in Blender.

  • Nirupam Saren
    6 months ago

    great boost in work

  • sorneguerot
    6 months ago

    Great assets and add-on. Helps a lot at work!

  • Salvador J. Gutierrez
    7 months ago

    I love Poligoniq and this addon is a must have if you want a fast and easy way to add vegetation to your scene.

  • rogper
    11 months ago

    Very easy to work with, animated trees with several wind presets and are real well made. Suitable for almost any kind of rendering!

  • Will Mar
    about 1 year ago

    the Best

  • Sergey Khorovodov
    about 1 year ago

    I've got the $2 version to try it out and man oh man, the plants look absolutely stunning in the renders! I'm looking forward upgrading to a fuller version. If you're unsure whether this addon is for you, by all means give the cheaper version a try. It offers the same features as the pro version with a limited library.

  • Damien Burczyk
    about 1 year ago

    Great addition to Blender!

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Sales 21800+
Customer Ratings 136
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Render Engine Used cycles, eevee
License Royalty Free
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