Garlandery (Addon) V2 | Quick Hanging Garlands | Connect Objects And Vertices Together

by Dennis Hafemann in Addons

Garlandery (Addon) | Quick hanging garlands | Connect objects and vertices

Garlandery is simply an addon to connect several objects or their selected vertices via lines / curves, garlands, to each other. You can quickly draw garlands between multiple objects, connect / parent them, and don't have to bother when moving objects around... the garlands will be kept in place.

Garlandery comes with a bunch of geometry nodes modifiers, with a huge stock of adjustability, all packed comfortably in an addon as a side-panel for quick access and combination variaty.

For Garlandery creates curve objects as garlands, you are able, and also please feel free, to use every geometry nodes modifier which works with and modifies a curve. The garlands and their handling will be kept. Feel free and let your creativity flow.

Current Tools / Modifiers which comes with Garlandery

* Hanging Garlands Base, for multiple usages and having hanging curves.

* Fir, for having nice christmas or garden fir-garlands.

* Fairy lights, for having nice christmas tree lighty, garden lanterns, decorations, neck chains, etc.

* Cobweb, for having adjustable cobwebs for every kind of scene.

* Chain, for having solid and adjustable chains.

* Rope / Cable, for having a variaty of a rope or a cable, with multiple strings, different sizes, etc.

Lightning Bolt, for having highly customizable lightning bolts, with multiple properties for branches, length, gap, start / end, thickness, noisyness, etc., and .... object proximity

* Electric Cable, similar to the lightning bolt, but in a straight direction kind of different options, and ... also with object proximity.

* Particle Flow, a hightly customizable particle flow modifier, similar to the particle emitter. custom object particles, different sizes, speed, vectors, damping, spreading, flow, tilt, lifetime, etc.

Core features

* Draw garlands from object to object, using their positions or their selected vertices, and connect / parent them together.

* Connect the garlands to objects or to hook objects.

* Draw garlands freehand, from surface to surface.

* Apply non-destructivley several tools: Hanging garlands, firs, fairy lights, cobwebs

* Geometry nodes modifiers with plenty of adjustable properties.

What is Garlandery and what can I do with it ?

Garlandery let's simply use the location of an object or it's selected vertices (mesh, curve) and generates a curve object, a garland, between them, in order the objects were selected.

This garland can then be modified/overdrawn with several tools, e.g. hanging lines/cables, fir, fairy lights, cobwebs.

The generated garland curve can be parented to the previous selected objects or may have separated hook objects to move them around comfortably.

Because of making use of geometry nodes modifiers the properties of the applied tools can be adapted and quickly be changed afterwards in a non-destructive way.

The Garlandery freehand draw tool allows to draw garlands from object to object.


What about updates and new releases with new features ?

All bug fixes, improvements new features and future releases will always be free for existing users.

Questions, bug reports and suggestions

If you have any questions about the addon, how to use it, if you have found errors or simply have suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

What the ZIP-files contains

!!! All versions, from the first to the curent latest, will be available for download, just in case. !!!

* Use as addon:

The ZIP-file is designed as an addon itself. That means, download the ZIP-file to your prefered location and install/import it as an addon in Blender.

* Use as asset library:

If you don't want to have/use the additional functionality which comes with the addon, feel free to extract the ZIP-file and copy the file "garlandery/assets/garlandery.blend" to your prefered asset-library-directory. Keep in mind, that you have to tell Blender in the preferences where this asset-library-directory is located. Then you can use the geometry nodes modifiers, materials, etc. from the asset browser. Everything necessary is marked as an asset.

* Append from file:

If you don't want to use Garlandery as an addon nor via the asset browser you can also use the file "garlandery/assets/garlandery.blend" and append (3D View -> Append / F4) from it what you need, geometry nodes modifiers, materials, models, presets, etc.

Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 months ago
Blender Version 4.1
License GPL
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